Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Smart Goal Setting – 5 Tips to Success

Every January most of us feel the urge to make the New Year our best one yet. While a new year is a great time to evaluate your life and your future, you may feel a lot of pressure to do something big to initiate a life change at the beginning of a new calendar year.

If you didn’t make any resolutions last year as you watched the ball drop, don’t feel bad about it. You can set goals whenever you want – it doesn’t have to be on January 1st!

Do you find it difficult to stick to a goal because you always lose momentum after the first couple of weeks? (How many years have you been trying to lose those same 10 pounds?)

These five tips will help keep you focused - you can reach your goals this year!

1. Write it down. Whether you want to lose weight, double your income or renovate your kitchen you should put it in writing. You’re much more likely to reach your goals if they’re written down and placed somewhere they can be seen every day to remind you.

2. List your past successes. Before you even start to write down your goals, take some time to write down your past accomplishments. Think back and write down anything you consider a personal success. For example, did you run a marathon, recover from cancer, buy your first house before you were 30, beat out hundreds of applicants for a specific job or to get into a certain school, win an award, raise money for a cause, raise happy and healthy children, start your own business? When you remember all the great things you’ve made happen in your life, you’ll feel empowered and this will put you in the right frame of mind to achieve the new goals you set for your future.

3. Be specific. Don’t set vague goals, be very specific and make sure your goals are realistic, measurable and attainable. Instead of a general statement that you want to be healthy in 2009, write your goal as, “Lose 5 pounds per month and exercise 30 minute each day.” And if your general goal is to double your profit and you have your own business, be specific about how that could be achieved. For example, "add one more project or client per month and reduce operating costs by 50%." This puts you in the right mindset to be able to plan how you'll achieve that goal.

4. Tell someone. Another good way to increase your chance of success is to declare your goals to others and find someone to hold you accountable as you work towards meeting them. But choose who you share your goals with carefully. It needs to be someone who genuinely wants you to succeed and won't feel insecure or threatened by your success. If for example, you and your best friend are both overweight and she has no intention of losing, she likely won't support you in your own weight loss goals. If you're trying to grow your own business and you're surrounded by others on the road to bankruptcy, they'll be in no position to support your growth. For these reasons, it's sometimes preferable to hire a coach. Their role is to support your success and motivate you to keep going.

5. Use visuals. You’ve probably heard of a ‘Vision Board’. Maybe you have one or maybe you’ve brushed the idea off. The truth is a strong visual representation of your goals can help you reach them. If you want to start your own business, for example, clip out photos from magazines that represent that to you. Don't be too literal. Think also of what being in your own business will mean to your income, sense of self and lifestyle. When you look at those images, your subconscious will continue to keep you focused on achieving your goals without you even knowing it.

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